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Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

Dream to Go Abroad

Hasil Karya Devia dan Destia
(Dream to Go Abroad)
(Ngimpi Pergi ke Luar Negeri)

Hi, perkenalkan namaku Devia, saya mempunyai sahabat bernama Destia.
Foto bersama Destia
Kami berdua sama-sama mencintai bahasa inggris (disamping bahasa dan kebudayaan indonesia tentunya :D) dan punya mimpi untuk Go Abroad, yupz..
Destia sangat ingin ke Singapura, sementara aku sendiri sudah lamaa mengidam-idamkan benua Australia. Mendapat beasiswa ke luar negeri tentu sudah menjadi mimpi kita, untuk mewujudkannya, kita (terutama aku) diam-diam rajin searching informasi-informasi tentang beasiswa maupun kompetisi internasional yang bisa mengantarkan aku ke LUAR NEGERI.
dan sekitar satu bulan yang lalu, melalui update info'q di ,aku mendapatkan sebuah jalan ke "LUAR NEGERI" yang relatif mudah.., yaitu lomba menulis abstrak KIPI (Indonesian International Student Conference) yang diadakan oleh persatuan pelajar Indonesia-Australia.
Hanya dengan menulis abstrak minimal 350 kata, bila menang berkesempatan pergi ke Australia......
Waaahhh..begitu menggiurkan bagiku tawaran itu...
Kemudian aku langsung mengajak Destia untuk mengikuti lomba itu, kontan saja dia mau dan sama bersemangatnya denganku. mulai dari konsultasi dengan dosen untuk menggali ide, hingga translate Indonesia-English yang sedikit ribet karena bahasa yang digunakan dalam abstrak adalah bahasa ilmiah dan bukan daily english yang biasa kita praktekkan sehari-hari.
Alhamdulillah akhirnya abstrak kita jadi....
Ini dia hasilnya..

Devia Indah Yanuarti / Accounting / Sebelas Maret University
Destia Dewi Prima Diatri / Accounting / Sebelas Maret University

This study is aimed to assess the optimize of creative industries through the strategy of re-mapping (remapping) the government policies in order to reduce poverty in Indonesia. It’s also aimed to complement the government's strategy related to the focus of creative economic development plan 2009-2015 since the prospect of a creative industry is able to contribute the economy and winning the nation's cultural development.
Remapping strategy on creative industries policy is the implementation of the goverment’s strategy that is more sedmented and right to the target. The policy is mapped based on the optimization in Western, Central and East Indonesia. The stages which are implemented are (1) Laboratory creations of arts and crafts market opening to introduce the products of creative industry and tourism potential of the various cities, such as Surakarta, Jepara, Pekalongan, Bali, Papua. (2) Cultural inventory for the crafts culture of the people in order to avoid claims to the asset of the nation's cultural creative industry. (3) Facilitate trade and loan permits includes business capital and guidance for the export of goods in various segments in Indonesia. (4) Changing Indonesian’s market orientation through the adaptation of market appetite for loving domestic products including products of creative industries, (5) Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) revitalization as a form of award for innovator product and increase the motivation for creative people, and (6) Implementation of national standards for imported goods, so that Indonesia able to compete the product quality, not only based on price.
The Implementation of those strategy is expected to increase the number of UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Unit)-based on labor intensive, so it can absorb much labor in Indonesia. In near term it could reduce unemployment and poverty in Indonesia, while in the long term it will bring Indonesia as the center for creative industries in Southeast Asia. With the increasing of the of the products quality of creative industries and innovation, will be able to reduce the number of imported products which has been dominated by China. Even with the product brand owned, Indonesia will be able to penetrate international markets and to increase the exports significantly.
In conclusion, the implementation of the strategy is the right step viewed from the the suitability of vision and mission government that is now being run. The main focus of the development of creative industries is part of optimizing each region by prioritizing potential cities in each region. The diversity of Indonesian people will be united through the adaptation of innovative, develop and love domestic products.

Tapi sayang sekali, ketika pengumuman tanggal 15 Juni lalu, ternyata kami bukan termasuk salah satu peserta yang lolos dan berkesempatan mengikuti conference ke Australia.
Tapi meskipun begitu, bukankah yang terpenting tidak pernah menyerah?
Toh, aku yakin selama kita terus berusaha Allah SWT akan membukakan jalan untuk kita..
So, it's not the matter of failed, but the matter of process, that the ending absulutely THE BEST :D 
Keep on fire ^u^ !!

Owh iya buat teman-teman yang penasaran dengan program KIPI, bisa akses dialamat dibawah ini, Abstract competition ini diadakan setiap tahunnya, bila berminan, tunggu tahun depan yaah,
semoga bermanfaat :D

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